(*We use self-care and intentional well-being to mean the same thing)
It is Wednesday…so this post will be about intentionally taking care of YOURself. YOU.
Why do we make this a recurring theme? If you attend any Resource Family Training, you will hear it there as well. Adoption/placement disruption and foster care burnout isn’t talked about that much. Maybe we should change that.
It is real. The effects can be devastating.
While burnout and placement disruption cannot always be prevented, perhaps by laying and maintaining a solid foundation of non-negotiable self-care, you can help protect yourself and your family from some of the pitfalls in this journey. Intentional well-being is an amazing shield to protect yourself (and family) from burnout.
Remember, self-care looks different for everyone!!! Sometimes it is PHYSICAL, or SPIRITUAL, EMOTIONAL or FINANCIAL. Sometimes it is RESTING. Sometimes it is setting BOUNDARIES.
Check out this amazing wheel of suggestions and try to start making one or more of these a habit. No doubt it takes discipline, but we can encourage one another and become stronger together. Start small. I am. -Amanda